Improvements in 3D sediment transport modelling with application to water quality issues

Benson, T. and Villaret, C. and Kelly, D.M. and Baugh, J. (2014) Improvements in 3D sediment transport modelling with application to water quality issues. In: TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference 2014, 15 - 17 October 2014, Grenoble, France.

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A new vertical scheme has been developed to represent suspended sediment transport processes in the TELEMAC-3D model. In comparison to the existing diffusion scheme, the newly developed advection/diffusion scheme is proved to be more robust. Three large scale test cases have been provided to assess the model accuracy in the presence of tidal flats and its ability to cope with distorted mesh elements. Finally, the 3D model has been applied to represent cohesive sediment transport processes and associated water quality issues in estuarine conditions.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information: XXIst TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference
Divisions: Coastal
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 02 Apr 2020 09:50
Last Modified: 28 May 2020 09:52

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