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Cuomo, G. and Polidoro, A. and Pasquini, E. and Alderson, J. and Robinson, D. and Allsop, W. and Dunn, S. (2011) Wave loading, overtopping and transmission of low crest caisson breakwaters. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Coastal Structures. World of Scientific Publishing Company Pte Ltd.
Alderson, J. and Cruickshank, H. (2024) Passing vessel and tidal flow impacts on submerged tunnel elements during installation. In: ICCE 2024 (38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering), 8-14 September 2024, Rome, Italy. (Submitted)
Allsop, W. and Bruce, T. and Alderson, J. and Ferrante, V. and Russo, V. and Vicinanza, D. and Kudella, M. (2014) Large scale tests on a generalised oscillating water column wave energy converter. In: HYDRALAB IV Joint User Meeting, 2-4 July 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
Martinelli, L. and Lamberti, A. and Gaeta, M.G. and Tirindelli, M. and Alderson, J. and Schimmels, S. (2010) Wave loads on exposed jetties: descriptions of large scale experiments and preliminary results. In: ICCE 2010 (32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering), June 30 – July 5 2010, Shanghai, China.
Alderson, J. and Cuomo, G. and Allsop, W. (2008) Why do suspended deck coastal structures keep failing. In: International Conference on Forensic Engineering 2008, 2 - 4th December 2008, London.
Whitehouse, R.J.S. and Dunn, S. and Alderson, J. and Vun, P.L. (2004) Testing of the interaction of coastal windfarm foundations with the seabed: scour and liquefaction. In: ICCE 2004 (29th International Conference on Coastal Engineering), 19-24 September 2004, Lisbon, Portugal.