Long term variations in shoreline wave conditions around the United Kingdom - interim report (SR 238)

Hydraulics Research Wallingford, - (1990) Long term variations in shoreline wave conditions around the United Kingdom - interim report (SR 238). Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

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An assessment is being made of long term changes in wave conditions around the UK coast, and how these changes may affect the management and planning of coastal defences. This interim report covers work done during the first year of a two year research programme which ends in March 1991. The first year's work involved a literature review, a review of long term wind and wave data, and establishment of research contacts. A longer final report on the project will be issued in about April 1991.

Item Type: Monograph (Technical Report)
Additional Information: SR 238
Subjects: Coasts > Coastal structures
Coasts > Beach management
Maritime > General
Coasts > Coastal management
Divisions: Coastal
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email i.services@hrwallingford.com
Date Deposited: 02 Apr 2020 09:42
Last Modified: 27 Apr 2020 15:09
URI: http://eprints.hrwallingford.com/id/eprint/274

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