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Ackers, P. (1972) Sediment transport in channels: an alternative approach. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Station.

Adams, K. and Rossetto, T. and Chandler, I. and Antonini, A. and Allsop, W. and Baiguera, M. and Istrati, D. and Roberts, S. (2023) The MAKEWAVES tsunami collaboration. In: ICE Breakwaters 2023, 25-27 April 2023, Portsmouth, UK.

Ahmad, N. and Bihs, H. and Kamath, A. and Arntsen, Ø. (2016) 3D Numerical modelling of pile scour with free surface profile under waves and current using the level set method in model REEF3D. In: ICSE 2016 (8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion), 12-15 September 2016, Oxford, UK.

Al-Hammadi, M. and Simons, R. (2016) Effect of vibration on the scour process around cylindrical structures under unidirectional flow in a sandy bed. In: ICSE 2016 (8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion), 12-15 September 2016, Oxford, UK.

Allsop, W. (2012) Coastal storm hazards, extreme loads and threats from tsunami. In: Natural hazards: a proportionate response, 3 May 2012, London. (Unpublished)

Allsop, W. and Jones, R.J. (1995) Guidelines for single layer hollow cube armour systems for breakwaters and related marine structures. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Allsop, W. and Murfin, Q. and Sampson, C. (2011) Analysis and design of refurbishment for unusual damage to a rubble mound breakwater. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Coastal Structures. World Scientific Publishing Company Pte Ltd.

Allsop, W. and Rossetto, T. and Robinson, D. and Charvet, I. and Bazin, P. (2008) A unique tsunami generator for physical modelling of violent flows and their impact. In: The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 12-17 October 2008, Beijing, China.

Anwar, H. (1988) Measurement of velocity and suspended soilds in an estuary. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Anwar, H. (1987) Spread of a surface thermal plume in coastal water. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Arboleda Chavez, C. and Stratigaki, V. and Wu, M. and Troch, P. and Schendel, A. and Welzel, M. and Villanueva, R. and Schlurmann, T. and De Vos, L. and Kisacik, D. and Taveira Pinto, F. and Fazeres-Ferradosa, T. and Rosa Santos, P. and Baelus, L. and Szengel, V. and Bolle, A. and Whitehouse, R.J.S. and Todd, D. (2019) Large-Scale Experiments to Improve Monopile Scour Protection Design Adapted to Climate Change - The PROTEUS Project. Energies, 12 (9).

Atkins, R. and Ockenden, M.C. (1993) Near-bed cohesive sediment processes - development of a self-contained system for long-term field measurements. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Atkins, R. and Soulsby, R.L. and Waters, C. and Oliver, N. (1989) Field measurements of sediment suspension above bedforms in a sandy estuary. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Atkinson, R. and Millard, T.K. and Arctur, D. (2007) Standards based approaches for cross-domain data integration. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 2. pp. 74-89.


Barber, D. and O'Dowd, B and Lee, M. (2012) Attrition of material during cutter suction dredging and pipeline transport: a summary. In: CEDA Dredging Days 2012, 12-13 December 2012, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Barranco, I. and Liu, P. (2023) Inundation, runup and flow velocity of wavemaker generated bores on a planar beach. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 959.

Bass, S. and King, E. and Manning, A.J. (2017) Acoustic scattering from flocculating suspensions. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141 (5).

Baugh, J. (2004) EstProc - Implementation of manning algorithm for settling velocity to an estuarine numerical model (TR 146). Technical Report. HR Wallingford, Wallingford.

Baugh, J. and Littlewood, M. (2005) Development of a cohesive sediment transport model of the Thames Estuary. In: Proceedings of the 9th Conference in Estuarine and Coastal Modelling. American Society of Civil Engineers.

Baxter, G. and Andrysewski, T. and Banks, J. and Sayers, P. and Simm, J.D. and Wallis, M. (2010) Performance-based Asset Management (PAMS) project – What has it delivered? How will we use it? Where next? In: Defra Flood and Coastal Management Conference 2010, 29 June - 1 July 2010, Telford.

Benson, T. and De Bie, J. and Gaskell, J. and Vezza, P. and Kerr, J. and Lumbroso, D. and Owen, M. and Kemp, P. (2021) Agent-based modelling of juvenile eel migration via selective tidal stream transport. Ecological Modelling, 443.

Benson, T. and French, J. (2007) InSiPID: A new low cost instrument for in situ particle size measurements in estuarine and coastal waters. Journal of Sea Research, 58 (3). pp. 167-188.

Benson, T. and Rossington, K. and Bruintjes, R. (2016) Putting fish in the tank: An Agent Based Model with flow interaction. In: TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference 2016, 11 - 13 October 2016, Paris, France.

Bernardes, M. and Davidson, M.A. and Dyer, K. and George, K.J. (2006) Towards medium-term (order of months) morphodynamic modelling of the Teign estuary, UK. Ocean Dynamics, 56 (3-4). pp. 186-197. ISSN 1616-7341

Besley, P. and Delo, E. (1991) Estuarine sediments - near bed processes - investigation of siltation mechanism in Harwich Harbour. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Besley, P. and Delo, E. (1990) The hydrodynamics of the Carousel. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Boelee, L. and Samuels, P.G. and Lumbroso, D. and Zsoter, E. and Stephens, E. and Cloke, H. and Baso, J. (2017) Analysis of the uncertainty in flood predictions of GloFAS forecasts for Piura in the Pacific region of Peru. In: EGU General Assembly 2017, 23-28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Bonfiglio, B. and Cresswell, D. and Fa, D. and Finlayson, G. and Tovell, C. and Arbukle, J. (2013) Gibraltar harbour. In: ICE Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013, 18-20 September 2013, Edinburgh, UK.

Boscia, D. and Benson, T. and Knaapen, M. and Spearman, J. (2023) A new semi-unsteady sand transport formula in GAIA. In: TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference 2023, 12-13 October 2023, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Bourban, S. and Turnbull, M. (2023) A simplified approach to modelling all types of obstacles in TELEMAC-2D and 3D. In: TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference 2023, 12-13 October 2023, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Bourban, S. and Turnbull, M. and Cooper, A. (2017) The Earth by TELEMAC. In: TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference 2017, 17-20 October 2017, Graz, Austria.

Bowers, E. (1990) Infragravity waves and habour design. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Bowers, E. (1987) Short crested seas in harbour modelling. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Bradbury, M. and McLelland, S. and Dorell, R. and Marten, K. and Whitehouse, R.J.S. (2023) Using a novel mylar film technique to measure the efficacy of scour mitigation methods for offshore wind turbines. In: ICSE 2023 (11th International Conference on Scour and Erosion), 17-21 September 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Brett, C. and Lee, M. and Taylor, J. and Dearnaley, M.P. and Bellamy, A. (2013) Trial monitoring of dredger plumes using a multibeam echosounder. In: WODCON XX, 3 - 7 June 2013, Brussels, Belgium.

Brewer, A. (1985) Research project DGR/465/31 - contract completion report. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Brown, J. and Yelland, M. and Pascal, R. and Jones, D. and Cardwell, C. and Pinnell, R. and Walk, J. and Pullen, T.A. and Darroch, L. and Gardner, T. (2023) An innovative wave overtopping measurement system to calibrate numerical flood hazard assessment and alert tools. In: ICE Breakwaters 2023, 25-27 April 2023, Portsmouth, UK.

Brown, J. and Yelland, M. and Pullen, T.A. and Silva, E. and Martin, A. and Gold, I. and Whittle, L. and Wisse, P. (2021) Novel use of social media to assess and improve coastal flood forecasts and hazard alerts. Scientific Reports, 11.

Bruintjes, R. and Harding, H. and Bunce, T. and Birch, F. and Lister, J. and Spiga, I. and Benson, T. and Rossington, K. and Jones, D. and Tyler, C. and Radford, A. and Simpson, S. (2017) Shipbuilding docks as experimental systems for realistic assessments of anthropogenic stressors on marine organisms. BioScience, 67 (9). pp. 853-859.

Bruintjes, R. and Rossington, K. and Jones, D. and Benson, T. and Simpson, S. (2016) HAMMER: a tool to predict the impact of man-made noise on fishes. In: Aquatic Noise 2016 (AN2016), 10-16 July 2016, Dublin, Ireland.

Bruintjes, R. and Rossington, K. and Jones, D. and Benson, T. and Simpson, S. (2015) Modelling the impact of anthropogenic noise on fish. In: PRiMARE conference (Partnership of Research in Marine Renewable Energy), 16-17 June 2015, University of Exeter, UK.

Bryant, S. and Tozer, N.P. and Smallman, J.V. (1991) Representation of directional spreading in harbour wave disturbance models. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Burt, T.N. (1996) Guidelines for the beneficial use of dredged material. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Burt, T.N. and Delo, E. and Kiff, P. (1987) The evaluation of the MEX-3DC silt sensor. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Burt, T.N. and Delo, E. and Ockenden, M.C. (1987) Sludge disposal to sea: settling, consolidation and erosion characteristics of sewage sludge. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Burt, T.N. and Fletcher, C.A. (1999) Feasibility of decontaminating dredged material. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Burt, T.N. and Game, A.C. (1985) The Carousel - commissioning of a circular flume for sediment transport research. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Burt, T.N. and Game, A.C. (1985) Deposition of fine sediment from flowing water: an investigation of dependence on concentration. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Burt, T.N. and Rees, A. (2001) Guidelines for the assessment and planning of estuarine barrages. Technical Report. Thomas Telford.


Cai, Y. and Hames, D. (2011) Minimum sample size determination for generalized extreme value distribution. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 40 (1).

Cantelmo, C. and Dunn, S. and Cuomo, G. and Allsop, W. (2011) Hydro-geotechnical stability of rubble mound breakwaters under wave action. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Coastal Structure. World Scientific Publishing Company Pte Ltd.

Caruso, M. and Sutherland, J. (2023) Seabed Proximity Effect on Free Spanning Pipelines: the FIST JIP. In: ASME 2023, 11-16 June 2023, Melbourne, Australia.

Cawthorn, C.J. and Bourban, S. and Mead, C.T. and Wood, M. and Turnbull, M. (2011) Adaptive vertical layering in TELEMAC-3D. In: TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference 2011, 19-21 October 2011, Paris, France.

Ceraulo, M. and Bruintjes, R. and Benson, T. and Rossington, K. and Farina, A. and Buscaino, G. (2016) Relationships of underwater sound pressure and particle velocity in a shipbuilding dock. In: Aquatic Noise 2016 (AN2016), 10-16 July 2016, Dublin, Ireland.

Ceraulo, M. and Mauro, M. and Perez-Arjona, I. and Belda, E. and Bou, M. and Benson, T. and Espinosa, V. and Cuomo, G. and Beltrame, F. and Mazzola, S. and Vazzana, M. and Buscaino, G. (2019) The effect of low frequency noise on the behaviour of juvenile Sparus aurata. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 147.

Chandler, I. and Allsop, W. and Robinson, D. and Rossetto, T. (2021) Evolution of pneumatic tsunami simulators - from concept to proven experimental technique. Frontiers in Built Environment.

Chandler, I. and Allsop, W. and Robinson, D. and Rossetto, T. and McGovern, D. and Todd, D. (2017) Tsunami simulators in physical modelling – concept to practical solutions. In: EGU General Assembly 2017, 23-28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Chandler, I. and Rossetto, T. and Adams, K. and Cels, J. and McGovern, D. (2024) Tsunami ping-pong: generating the whole tsunami event. In: Coastlab24 (9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Coastal Engineering), 13 - 16 May 2024, Delft, Netherlands.

Chen, M. and Voinov, A. and Ames, D. and Kettner, A. and Goodall, J. and Jakeman, A. and Barton, M. and Harpham, Q. and Cuddy, S. and DeLuca, C. and Yue, S. and Wang, J. and Zhang, F. and Wen, Y. and Lu, G. (2020) Open web-distributed integrated geographic modelling and simulation to enable broader participation and applications (Position paper). Earth-Science Reviews, 207.

Chen, Q. and Zang, J. and Kelly, D.M. and Dimakopoulos, A. (2017) A 3D numerical study of solitary wave interaction with vertical cylinders using a parallelised Particle-In-Cell solver. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 29 (5). pp. 790-799.

Chen, Q. and Zang, J. and Kelly, D.M. and Dimakopoulos, A. (2018) A 3D parallel Particle-In-Cell solver for wave interaction with vertical cylinders. Ocean Engineering, 147. pp. 165-180.

Chesher, T. and Wallace, H. and Meadowcroft, I. and Southgate, H.N. (1993) PISCES: A morphodynamic coastal area model first annual report. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Chiew, Y. and Hsieh, S. and Low, Y. (2016) Characteristics of scour and flow field beneath a forced vibrating circular cylinder. In: ICSE 2016 (8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion), 12-15 September 2016, Oxford, UK.

Clare, M. and Vardy, M. and Cartigny, M. and Talling, P. and Himsworth, M. and Dix, J. and Harris, J. and Whitehouse, R.J.S. and Belal, M. (2017) Direct monitoring of active geohazards: emerging geophysical tools for deep-water assessments. Near Surface Geophysics, 15 (4). pp. 427-444.

Clay, N. (2010) Flood risk benefits of achieving compliance with WFD objectives: a draft guidance framework for marine navigation dredging and disposal. In: FCRM>10,, 29 June - 1 July 2010, Telford, UK.

Coates, T. and Jones, R. and Bona, P. (1998) Wind/swell seas and steep approach slopes - technical report on wave flume studies. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Cooper, A. (1988) Combined near and far field modelling of buoyant plumes. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Cooper, A. (1985) Development and application of a 3-D DAP numerical model of estuaries. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Cooper, A. (1985) Development of patched transport models for estuaries using an ICL DAP. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Cooper, A. (1990) Particulate pollutants in the North Sea - a review of three-dimensional numerical models of flow in the North Sea. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Cooper, A. (1987) Validation of a 3D numerical model of a buoyant plume. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Cooper, A. (1985) An assessment of the uses of the ICL DAP for estuary modelling. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Cooper, A. and Dearnaley, M.P. (1996) Guidelines for the use of computational models in coastal and estuarial studies - flow and sediment transport models. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Cooper, A. and Spearman, J. (2017) Validation of a TELEMAC-3D model of a seamount. In: TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference 2017, 17-20 October 2017, Graz, Austria.

Cooper, A. and Turnbull, M. and Grey, S. and Loilier, P. (2013) Tropical cyclone modelling with TELEMAC-2D. In: TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference 2013, 16-18 Oct 2013, Karlsruhe.

Cork, S. (2016) Port master planning bible released. PIANC.

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Cornett, A. and Durand, N. and Serrer, M. (2010) 3-D modelling and assessment of tidal current resources in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. In: ICOE 2010, 6-8 October 2010, Bilbao, Spain.

Costaras, M. and Bray, N. and Lee, M. and Lewis, R. (2011) The importance of bed material characterisation in planning dredging projects. Terra et Aqua, 123.

Couldrey, A. and Benson, T. and Knaapen, M. and Marten, K. and Whitehouse, R.J.S. (2020) Morphological evolution of a barchan dune migrating past an offshore wind farm foundation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45 (12). pp. 2884-2896.

Couldrey, A. and Whitehouse, R.J.S. and Harris, J. (2021) Scour hole collapse at an offshore wind farm foundation. In: 4th Virtual Geoscience Conference (VGC 2021), 29 September to 1 October 2021, Online.

Couldrey, A. and Whitehouse, R.J.S. and Harris, J. and Marten, K. (2023) Nacelle natural frequency data to assess the effectiveness of pre- and post-installation scour protection. In: ICSE 2023 (11th International Conference on Scour and Erosion), 17-21 September 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Cox, J. and Pullen, T.A. (2024) Breakwater overtopping and transmission characteristics associated with living shoreline functional atributes. In: ICCE 2024 (38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering), 8-14 September 2024, Rome, Italy.

Craig, M. and Baas, J. and Manning, A.J. and Amos, K. and Strachan, L. (2017) Does organic matter have an unacknowledged influence on the dynamics and deposits of fine-grained submarine sediment gravity flows? In: AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, 2-5 April 2017, Houston, Texas, USA.

Cresswell, D. (2016) Storm peak validation and analysis of uncertainty in estimates of extreme sea states. In: The Second meeting of the Challenger Society Special Interest Group on Ocean Wind Waves, 19-20 October 2016, HR Wallingford, Oxfordshire.

Cresswell, D. and Via Estrem, L. (2016) Storm peak validation and analysis of uncertainty in estimates of extreme sea states. In: WISE meeting 2016 CNR-ISMAR, 22-26 May 2016, Venice.

Crickmore, M. and Kiff, P. (1987) Sludge disposal in Liverpool Bay - vertical profiles of heavy metals and organic carbon in bed sediments - April 1986. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Crickmore, M. and Kiff, P. (1985) Vertical profiles of heavy metals and organic carbon in sediment of Eastern Liverpool Bay. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Crossouard, N. and Taylor, J. and Lee, M. (2017) Potential sources and magnitude of errors associated with the measurement of suspended sediment concentration. In: CEDA Dredging Days 2017, 9-10 November 2017, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Cruickshank, I. and Cork, S. (2005) Construction health and safety in coastal and maritime engineering. Technical Report. Thomas Telford.

Cruickshank, I. and Tozer, N.P. and Beresford, P. and Grey, S. (2008) Innovative techniques to reduce or remove the need for a breakwater. In: PIANC-COPEDEC 2008, 23-28 February 2008, Dubai, UAE.

Cuomo, G. and Guza, R. (2017) Infragravity seiches in a small harbour. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 143 (5).

Cuomo, G. and Hancock, D. and Richardson, S. and Longo, D. and Rigden, T. and Dimakopoulos, A. (2013) Rehabilitation of Hartlepool town wall. In: ICE Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013, 18-20 September 2013, Edinburgh, UK.

Cuomo, G. and Polidoro, A. and Pasquini, E. and Alderson, J. and Robinson, D. and Allsop, W. and Dunn, S. (2011) Wave loading, overtopping and transmission of low crest caisson breakwaters. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Coastal Structures. World of Scientific Publishing Company Pte Ltd.


Damgaard, J.S. and Sumer, B. and Teh, T. and Palmer, A. and Foray, P. and Osorio, D. (2006) Guidelines for pipeline on-bottom stability on liquefied noncohesive seabeds. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 132 (4).

Davidson, S. (1985) Using microcomputer graphics to display numerical model results. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

De Chowdhury, S. and Guo Zhou, J. and Khait, A. and Pullen, T.A. and Causon, D. and Qian, L. and Mingham, C. (2023) Wind effects on wave overtopping at a vertical sea defense. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 149 (4).

De Stefano, M. and Rusmini, M. and Benson, T. and Torchia, G. and Sordini, E. and Nucci, M. and Bertolini, P. (2020) Lessons learned in assessing underwater noise potential impacts for an offshore seismic survey in southern Adriatic Sea. In: SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Environment, and Sustainability, 28-30 July 2020, Online.

Dearnaley, M.P. (1991) Flocculation and settling of cohesive sediments. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

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Dimakopoulos, A. and Allsop, W. and Chandler, I. and Pullen, T.A. (2024) A new formula for pressure transmission inside rubble mound breakwaters protecting land reclamations. In: ICCE 2024 (38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering), 8-14 September 2024, Rome, Italy.

Dimakopoulos, A. and Cooker, M. and Bruce, T. (2017) The influence of scale on the air flow and pressure in the modelling of Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converters. Journal of Marine Energy, 19. pp. 272-291.

Dimakopoulos, A. and Cozzuto, G. and de Lataillade, T. and Kees, C. and Cuomo, G. (2017) Numerical modelling of caisson breakwaters under sliding and overturning motion using the Proteus toolkit. In: ICE Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2017, 5-7 September 2017, Liverpool, UK.

Dimakopoulos, A. and Cozzuto, G. and de Lataillade, T. and Kees, C. and Richardson, S. (2017) Modelling fully coupled fluid structure interaction using the computational toolkit Proteus. In: Australasian Coasts & Ports 2017, 21-23 June 2017, Cairns, Australia.

Dimakopoulos, A. and Higuera, P. (2021) Wave generation and absorption techniques. In: Advanced Numerical Modelling of Wave Structure Interaction. CRC Press. ISBN ISBN-10: 0815359977, ISBN-13: 978-0815359975

Dimakopoulos, A. and de Lataillade, T. and Kees, C. (2019) Fast random wave generation in numerical tanks. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering and Computational Mechanics.

Dimakopoulos, A. and de Lataillade, T. and Richards, B. and Kees, C. (2019) Advanced tools for modelling fluid interaction with coastal and marine structures. In: SIME 2019 (Structures in the Marine Environment 2019), 17 May 2019, Glasgow.

Dimas, A. and Dimakopoulos, A. and Kolokythas, G. (2018) Large-wave simulation of breaking waves over a beach. In: Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation X. ERCOFTAC Series (24). Springer, pp. 491-496. ISBN 978-3-319-63211-7

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Donnai, D. and Sutherland, J. and Clarke, J. (2014) Active mooring line transducer for small scale physical model tests. In: Coastlab14 (5th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science), 29 September – 2 October 2014, Varna, Bulgaria.

Dukhovskoy, D. and Morey, S. and Chassignet, E. and Chen, X. and Coles, V. and Cui, L. and Harris, C. and Hetland, R. and Hsu, T. and Manning, A.J. and Stukel, M. and Thyng, K. and Wang, J. (2022) Development of the CSOMIO coupled ocean-oil-sediment biology model. In: Predicting hydrocarbon fate in the ocean: processes, parameterizations, and coupled modelling. Frontiers, pp. 68-89. ISBN 978-2-88974-734-4

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Durand, N. and Bourban, S. and Moulinec, C. and Barber, R. and Audouin, Y. and Gu, X. and Emerson, D. (2011) HPC for sensitivity studies: simulations with TOMAWAC and TELEMAC-3D. In: TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference 2011, 19-21 October 2011, Paris, France.

Dyer, K. and Christie, M.C. and Feates, N. and Fennessy, M.J. and Pejrup, M. and van der Lee, W. (2000) An investigation into processes influencing the morphodynamics of an intertidal mudflat, the Dollard Estuary, The Netherlands. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 50. pp. 607-625.

de Lataillade, T. and Dimakopoulos, A. and Kees, C. and Johanning, L. (2021) A coupling strategy for modelling dynamics of moored floating structures. In: Advanced Numerical Modelling of Wave Structure Interaction. CRC Press. ISBN ISBN-10: 0815359977, ISBN-13: 978-0815359975

de Lataillade, T. and Dimakopoulos, A. and Kees, C. and Johanning, L. and Ingram, D. and Tezdogan, T. (2017) CFD Modelling coupled with Floating Structures and Mooring Dynamics for Offshore Renewable Energy Devices using the Proteus Simulation Toolkit. In: EWTEC 2017 (12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2017), 27 August - 1 September 2017, Cork, Ireland.


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