Supporting the Integration of Climate Resilience in the Water Supply Sector in the Caribbean - training manual

Walmsley, N. and Woolhouse, G. and Numi, A. and Grainger, N. and Clarke, J. (2018) Supporting the Integration of Climate Resilience in the Water Supply Sector in the Caribbean - training manual. Manual. HR Wallingford, Wallingford.

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Access to safe, reliable and resilient water supply services contributes significantly to the achievement of national development goals and agendas. Improving the resilience and robustness of water supply services will reduce operational risks associated with climate variability and change and increase the extent to which operational services are able to meet target levels of service. This Training Manual is intended to support national-level processes in the Caribbean for the integration of climate resilience in the water supply services sector. A generic approach is presented that can be modified and adapted to meet individual country contexts and needs. To support this approach, the Training Manual includes Guidance Materials on good practice methodologies, tools and approaches that are widely applicable in the Caribbean context. Its use aims to internalise and institutionalise good practice. Application of the Training Manual also aims to strengthen the capacity of national professionals and practitioners responsible for the establishment of robust and implementable climate resilient policies, investment plans and financing strategies.

Item Type: Monograph (Manual)
Subjects: Water > Climate change
Water > Water resources
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 02 Apr 2020 09:54
Last Modified: 02 Apr 2020 09:54

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