Performance-based Asset Management (PAMS) project – What has it delivered? How will we use it? Where next?

Baxter, G. and Andrysewski, T. and Banks, J. and Sayers, P. and Simm, J.D. and Wallis, M. (2010) Performance-based Asset Management (PAMS) project – What has it delivered? How will we use it? Where next? In: Defra Flood and Coastal Management Conference 2010, 29 June - 1 July 2010, Telford.

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The Performance based Asset Management (PAMS) project has now completed and this paper provides an overview of what the project has delivered, how we will use the outputs and our plans for future asset management R&D. The PAMS project commenced in 2004 and was required to address the issues of: • difficulties in achieving a meaningful assessment of the condition of assets through monitoring or inspection; • the complexity of each asset system with a number of different components, all of which contribute to its state and the way it performs in a flood event; • the potential complexity of the relationship between the condition of individual assets or the overall system and its performance in response to the ‘loading’ from flood events; • difficulties in assessing the improvement in performance resulting from interventions ranging from routine maintenance to major refurbishment or change to individual assets. The paper details how the project addressed the issues above. Specifically, the paper outlines how engagement with the business users helped steer the project towards useable interim outputs (Measured steps forward) over the lifetime of the project. Some of these outputs are already delivering benefits for the Environment Agency and other operating authorities in the UK and are being shared internationally. The paper also focuses on the pilot studies, carried out as part of the PAMS project, which allowed us to demonstrate the application of performance based asset management techniques to practical problems facing asset managers. The pilot studies helped to highlight the possibilities, and challenges, associated with carrying out options appraisal to help select the most effective asset management interventions. Finally, the paper outlines the topics that will be addressed by future R&D to develop flood risk management asset performance tools.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information: 45th Defra Flood and Coastal Management Conference
Subjects: Coasts > Coastal structures
Maritime > General
Coasts > General
Coasts > Coastal management
Divisions: Coastal
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 02 Apr 2020 09:48
Last Modified: 27 May 2020 15:18

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