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Anwar, H. (1988) Measurement of velocity and suspended soilds in an estuary. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Atkins, R. and Soulsby, R.L. (1992) Measurements of flow and sediment dynamics over an estuarine sandwave - data report. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Atkins, R. and Soulsby, R.L. and Waters, C. and Oliver, N. (1989) Field measurements of sediment suspension above bedforms in a sandy estuary. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.


Baugh, J. and Littlewood, M. (2005) Development of a cohesive sediment transport model of the Thames Estuary. In: Proceedings of the 9th Conference in Estuarine and Coastal Modelling. American Society of Civil Engineers.


Chellew, E. and Rossington, K. and Townend, I. and Amos, C. and Richardson, S. (2010) The significance of wave reflection on the erosion of upper inter-tidal mudflats. In: ICCE 2010 (32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering), June 30 – July 5 2010, Shanghai, China.

Cooper, A. (1985) Development and application of a 3-D DAP numerical model of estuaries. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Cooper, A. (1985) An assessment of the uses of the ICL DAP for estuary modelling. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.


Dearnaley, M.P. and Hogg, A. (1991) Towards the development of an estuary regime model. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Delo, E. (1988) Estuarine muds manual. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Delo, E. (1988) The behaviour of estuarine muds during tidal cycles - an experimental study and mathematical model. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Delo, E. and Littlewood, M. and Burt, T.N. (1987) Silt regimes: a study of Long Reach in the Thames Estuary. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Derbyshire, B. and Kendrick, M. (1985) Changes in water properties and sediment distribution in the tidal Thames - report on studies made in 1984-85. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Diserens, A.P. and Delo, E. (1988) A literature review of remote sensing of suspended solids in estuaries. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Diserens, A.P. and Delo, E. and Ockenden, M.C. (1991) Estuarine sediments - near bed processes - field measurement of near bed cohesive sediment processes. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Diserens, A.P. and Ockenden, M.C. (1990) Estuarine sediments near-bed processes - verification of a deposition algorithm in the Mersey estuary. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Dyer, K. and Christie, M.C. and Feates, N. and Fennessy, M.J. and Pejrup, M. and van der Lee, W. (2000) An investigation into processes influencing the morphodynamics of an intertidal mudflat, the Dollard Estuary, The Netherlands. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 50. pp. 607-625.


French, J. and Burningham, H. and Benson, T. (2008) Tidal and meteorological forcing of suspended sediment flux in a muddy mesotidal estuary. Estuaries and Coasts, 31 (5).


García-Hermosa, M.I. and Huang, J. and Stansby, P. and Soulsby, R.L. and Borthwick, A. and Taylor, P. (2008) Interpretation of large-scale morphodynamic laboratory experiments: spoil heaps and sandbanks. In: ICCE 2008 (31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering), 31 Aug - 5 Sept 2008, Hamburg, Germany.

Ginger, C.M. (1987) Simulation and experimental determination of a consolidating mud deposit. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Grigg, M. and Cucknell, A. and Marten, K. and Cox, T. and Yesson, C. (2024) Habitat suitability modelling for restoration of intertidal seagrass, Zostera noltei: A case study from The Greater Thames Estuary, UK. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 312.


HR Wallingford, - (2014) Inner Estuary Airport Call for Evidence - Technical submission by HR Wallingford to Airports Commission. Documentation. HR Wallingford.

Huthnance, J. and Karunarathna, H. and Lane, A. and Manning, A.J. and Norton, P. and Reeve, D. and Soulsby, R.L. and Spearman, J. and Surendran, S. and Townend, I. and Wright, A. (2008) Development of estuary morphology models. In: 43rd Defra Flood and Coastal Management Conference, 1-3 July 2008, Manchester University.

Huthnance, J. and Lane, A. and Karunarathna, H. and Manning, A.J. and Reeve, D. and Norton, P. and Wright, A. and Soulsby, R.L. and Spearman, J. and Townend, I. and Surendran, S. (2008) Development of estuary morphology models. In: FLOODrisk 2008, 30 September - 2 October 2008, Keble College, Oxford, UK.

Hydraulics Research Station, - (1965) Investigation of siltation in the estuary of the river Ribble (EX 281). Project Report. Hydraulic Research Station (HRS).

Hydraulics Research Station, - (1965) An investigation of sand movements in the Ribble estuary using radioactive tracers (EX 280). Project Report. Hydraulics Research Station.

Hydraulics Research Wallingford, - (1985) Estuarine transmission of heavy metal pollutants - pilot study of the River Tees. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Hydraulics Research Wallingford, - (1985) Estuarine transmission of heavy metal pollutants: data collected from River Conwy, North Wales. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Hydraulics Research Wallingford, - (1985) Numerical modelling of sediment transport under waves and currents in estuaries. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.


Kendrick, M. and Derbyshire, B. (1985) Monitoring of a near-bed turbid layer. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Knaapen, M. (2009) Sandbank occurrence on the Dutch continental shelf in the North Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, 29 (1). pp. 17-24.


Manning, A.J. and Bass, S. (2004) Variability in cohesive sediment settling fluxes; observations under different estuarine tidal conditions. In: International Congress on Tidal Sedimentology 2004, 2-5 August 2004, Copenhagen, Demark.

Manning, A.J. and Bass, S. and Dyer, K. (2004) Floc properties in the turbidity maximum of a mesotidal estuary during neap and spring tidal conditions. In: International Congress on Tidal Sedimentology 2004, 2-5 August 2004, Copenhagen, Demark.

Manning, A.J. and Baugh, J. and Spearman, J. and Pidduck, E. and Whitehouse, R.J.S. (2011) The settling dynamics of flocculating mud-sand mixtures: Part 1 — Empirical algorithm development. Ocean Dynamics, 61 (2-3). pp. 311-350.

Manning, A.J. and Blanco, B. and Townend, I. and Jackson, C. and Scott, C. (2024) Updating the UK Estuaries Database: Making key data and information readily available for everyone involved in estuarine management and monitoring. In: ReMeMaRe Conference 2024, 10-11 July 2024, Scarborough Spa.

Manning, A.J. and Chassagne, C. and Parsons, D. and Ye, L. and Spencer, K. and Rounce, J. (2023) Estuarine flocculation – a review of the key contributing factors. In: AGU23, 11-15 December 2023, San Francisco, CA and online.

Manning, A.J. and Schoellhamer, D. (2013) Factors controlling floc settling velocity along a longitudinal estuarine transect. Marine Geology, 345. pp. 266-280.

Manning, A.J. and Whitehouse, R.J.S. (2012) Enhanced UK Estuaries database: explanatory notes and metadata (SiTE P1). Development of estuary morphological models. Technical Report. HR Wallingford Ltd.

Manning, A.J. and Whitehouse, R.J.S. and Soulsby, R.L. (2012) Methods for predicting suspensions of mud. Technical Report. HR Wallingford Ltd.

Manning, A.J. and Ye, L. and Hsu, T. and Holyoke, J. and Penaloza-Giraldo, J. (2023) Depositional characteristics of oil-mineral flocs in estuarial and coastal waters. In: INTERCOH 2023 (17th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes), 18-22 September 2023, Incheon, Republic of Korea.

Manson, S. and Winn, P. and Laws, H. and Spencer, F. and Marshall, L. and Todd, H. and Normandale, D. and Hopton, L. and Brown, C. and Appleyard, N. and Connel, J. and Bailey, A. and Raynor, P. and Parsons, A. and Fraser, A. and Hazelwood, C. and Gouldby, B.P. and Liu, Y. (2023) Humber 2100+: resilience and adaptability at the strategic scale. In: ICE Breakwaters 2023, 25-27 April 2023, Portsmouth, UK.

May, R. and Willoughby, I. (1990) Local scour around large obstructions. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Murray, G.E. and Maskell, J. (1986) Heavy metal transport by phytoplankton in tidal waters. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.


Norton, P. and Manning, A.J. and Townend, I. and Lane, A. and Karunarathna, H. (2007) Application and inter-comparison of estuary morphological models. In: 42nd Defra Flood and Coastal Management Conference, 3 - 5 July 2007, York, UK.


Ockenden, M.C. and Delo, E. (1988) Consolidation and erosion of estuarine mud and sand mixtures - an experimental study. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Odd, N.W.M. (1999) Accuracy of marine siltation predictions. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Odd, N.W.M. (1985) Modelling the dispersal of effluents in tidal waters. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Odd, N.W.M. and Cooper, A. (1988) A two-dimensional model of the movement of fluid mud in a high energy turbid estuary. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Owen, M. (1970) A detailed study of the settling velocities of an estuary mud. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Owen, M. (1972) The effect of temperature on the settling velocities of an estuary mud. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.


Ramsbottom, D. and Reeder, T. (2008) Adapting flood risk management for an uncertain future: flood management planning on the Thames estuary. In: 43rd Defra Flood and Coastal Management Conference, 1 to 3 July 2008, Manchester University.

Ramsbottom, D. and Tarrant, O. and Cooper, A. (2006) Sources of flooding on floodplains of the tidal Thames. In: 41st Defra Flood and Coastal Management Conference, 4 - 6 July 2006, York, UK.

Rodger, J. and Odd, N.W.M. (1985) A mathematical model of mud transport in deep partially mixed canalized estuaries. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Rossington, K. and Nicholls, R. and Stive, M. and Wang, Z. (2011) Estuary schematisation in behaviour-oriented modelling. Marine Geology, 281. pp. 27-34.

Rossington, K. and Spearman, J. and Knaapen, M. and Townend, I. and Richardson, S. (2010) The dynamics of intertidal mudflat and saltmarshes within estuaries. In: ICCE 2010 (32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering), June 30 – July 5 2010, Shanghai, China.


Safar, Z. and Chassagne, C. and Rijnsburger, S. and Ibanez Sanz, M. and Manning, A.J. and Souza, A. and van Kessel, T. and Horner-Devine, A. and Flores, R. and McKeon, M. and Pietrzak, J. (2022) Characterization and classification of estuarine suspended particles based on their inorganic/organic matter composition. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9.

Siggers, G. and Spearman, J. and Littlewood, M. and Donovan, B. (2006) One hundred years of morphological change in the Thames Estuary. Impacts on tide levels and implications for flood risk management to 2100. In: 41st Defra Flood and Coastal Management Conference, 4 - 6 July 2006, York, UK.

Spearman, J. (2007) Regime modelling of morphology. In: RCEM 2007 (5th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics), 17 - 21 September 2007, The Netherlands.

Spearman, J. (2007) The development of a tool for examining the morphological evolution of managed realignment sites. In: INTERCOH'07, 25-28 September 2007, Brest, France.

Stevenson, T. and Kendrick, M. (1985) Changes in the tidal capacity of the River mersey - report on studies made in 1984-85. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.


Todd, D. and Souza, A. and Jago, C. (2015) Seasonal variations in SPM and floc characteristics in a hypertidal estuary. In: INTERCOH 2015 (13th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes), 7-11 September 2015, Leuven, Belgium.

Townend, I. (2011) Predicting the morphology of UK estuaries using a 3D form model. In: RCEM 2011 (7th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics), 6-8 September 2011, Beijing, China.

Townend, I. (2012) The estimation of estuary dimensions using a simplified form model and the exogenous controls. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

Townend, I. and Bing Wang, Z. and Spearman, J. and Wright, A. (2008) Volume and surface area changes in estuaries and tidal inlets. In: ICCE 2008 (31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering), 31 Aug - 5 Sept 2008, Hamburg, Germany.

Townend, I. and Knaapen, M. and Fletcher, C.A. and Rossington, K. (2011) A review of saltmarsh dynamics. Water and Environment Journal, 25. pp. 477-488. ISSN ISSN1747-6585

Turner, K. and Burt, T.N. (1985) Estuarine transmission of heavy metals - a literature review. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.


Wang, Z. and Townend, I. (2011) Influence of the nodal tide on the morphological response of estuaries. Marine Geology, 291-94. pp. 73-82.

Wang, Z. and de Vriend, H. and Stive, M. and Townend, I. (2007) On the parameter setting of semi-empirical long-term morphological models for estuaries and tidal lagoons. In: Proceedings of 5th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics. IAHR.

Whitehouse, R.J.S. (2000) Emphasys Consortium 2000: A guide to prediction of morphological change within estuarine systems. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Whitehouse, R.J.S. (2000) Emphasys Consortium 2000: Modelling estuary morphology and process. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Whitehouse, R.J.S. (2000) Emphasys Consortium 2000: Recommendations for Phase 2 of the Estuaries Research Programme. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Whitehouse, R.J.S. (2006) Review of formalisation of geomorphological concepts and approaches for estuaries - Environment Agency report. Technical Report. FM R&D Dissemination, Defra- Flood Management Division.

Whitehouse, R.J.S. and Cooper, N. and Pethick, J. and Spearman, J. and Townend, I. and Fox, D. (2005) Dealing with geomorphological concepts and broad scale approaches for estuaries. In: Defra Flood and Coastal Management Conference 2005, 5 - 7 July 2005, York, UK.

Wild, R. (1988) A numerical sand transport model with time-dependent bed exchange. Technical Report. Hydraulics Research Wallingford.

Williams, A. and Townend, I. and French, J. and Reeve, D. and Whitehouse, R.J.S. and Bing Wang, Z. and Morris, K. and Surendran, S. (2008) Development and demonstration of systems based ESTuary Simulator: EstSim. In: 43rd Defra Flood and Coastal Management Conference, 1 to 3 July 2008, Manchester University.

Williamson, H. and Ockenden, M.C. (1992) Tidal transport of mud/sand mixtures - laboratory tests. Technical Report. HR Wallingford.

Wright, A. and Townend, I. (2006) Predicting intertidal change in estuaries. In: 41st Defra Flood and Coastal Management Conference, 4 - 6 July 2006, York, UK.

Wright, A. and Townend, I. (2006) Predicting long term estuary evolution using regime theory. In: Littoral 2006 Conference Proceedings. Gansk University.


Ye, L. and Manning, A.J. and Parsons, D. and Peakall, J. (2023) Sediment suspension, flocculation and settling over bio-physical cohesive substrates in saline water. In: AGU23, 11-15 December 2023, San Francisco, CA and online.

Ye, L. and Rounce, J. and Manning, A.J. (2023) Depositional and erosional behaviour of cohesive sediments in estuarine environments. In: AGU23, 11-15 December 2023, San Francisco, CA and online.

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